
  • What is the return policy?
    We will offer a full refund within 30 days from when your order is delivered. Send an email to support@merch-amsterdam.com if you want to return a product.
  • Can I receive a refund?
    Yes, it will take 2-3 days when you will get your refund on your bank account.
  • How do I make changes to an order I’ve already placed?
    Send an email to support@merch-amsterdam.com
     and we will help you with making changes.


  • Which shipping companies do you use?
    We are an official partner of DHL and PostNL.
  • When will I receive my order?
    We ship your order within 24 hours and you will get an email with tracking information.
  • What do I do if I never received my order?
    Send an email to support@merch-amsterdam.com and we will contact our shipping partner.
  • What do I do if I received a defective order?
    Send an email to support@merch-amsterdam.com and we will resend your order.

Company Info

  • Where are you located?
    We are based in Amsterdam and we ship our orders from our Amsterdam warehouse.
  • How do I contact your company if my question isn’t answered here?
    Send an email to support@merch-amsterdam.com